The little pendant was left over from a strand which was labeled with the unintelligible term "biopremght." A customer bailed me out by identifying the stones as Prehnite. There were an even number of stones on the strand and and this one didn't match very well so it had to leave its friends behind. (You can't use an even number of stones like this in a necklace unless you have an additional centerpiece of some kind or it would look peculiar.) I considered making mismatched earrings for the necklace but never did. You see, while many of my customers think they're great fun, I've also had people get mad at me at shows, "these don't match!" they say angrily. At a recent show somebody pointed to my crinoid earrings and said, "There's something wrong with these earrings!" So I explained the biology but she was not mollified. I have so many matching earrings, why is there a problem with a few that are complementary but not identical?
At any rate, I decided that this pendant was nice enough to make a pretty little necklace when combined with some green quartz (Prasiolite) and Chinese keshi pearls. The colors are soft and I think you'll enjoy wearing it. Won't you order it today?