This was a special order. Glen fell in love with the pretty little yowah nut opal and sent it to me to make up for his wife. As with every special order, I tried a few designs and he selected this one. Normally a tear-drop shape would be set with the point up, but here the stone had such an obvious design of earth and sky that we agreed it had to be set this way. The jelly opal top is translucent so the back needed to be open. This left us with a tiny canvas on the back for Sue's beloved coyote. Click here to see her wearing it.
Yowahs are mini boulder opals, ironstone concretions with opal centers. The yowah "nuts" have crystal centers. Finlay reports that some people claim the opals are the fruits and nuts from the trees in the Garden of Eden. She also recounts a mysterious story of miners who claimed that when there is opal in a mine, "you can almost smell it."