Kyanite is often found in these thin "bladed crystals" as Dr. Pough calls them. The crystals in the necklace appear to have been smoothed but retain their natural form. (The flattened disks in the earrings are also kyanite, but these have been cut to shape.) Kyanite crystals have an odd property: a knife will scratch a kyanite crystal parallel to the crystal length but will not scratch it if drawn across.
Kyanite is used as a refractory for porcelains and spark plugs. "Refractory" is an interesting word, normally we think of it as meaning obstinately resistant to authority or control. Applied to such things as spark plugs, it means resistant to heat. Melody and others say kyanite never needs cleansing or clearing because it will not accumulate or retain negative energy. One could say then that it is refractory to negativity as well as to heat. Simmons mentions it is good for lucid dreaming. Incidentally, if you read these little essays, you know I often quote from various sources as I have here. I'm sure you realize that I've drawn only one or two points from the large body of information in the texts. If you find these comments interesting, I urge you to get the books and learn more! Test their statements against your own sense of various stones. You may have noticed I always provide Amazon links at the bottom of the page...
There is something incredibly lovable about kyanite, it is hard to describe just how sweet it feels to wear it. I do hope you will order this set today and test its sweet calming power.