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Bunny Chain Necklace


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Bunny Chain Necklace   This necklace includes:
*Sterling and tagua bunny beads
*Hand made glass bead by Karen Ovington
*Sponge coral
*Pyrite, jasper, silver leaf agate
*Bone, wood
*Sterling chain and findings

Length:  30" (76 cm)
Sterling bunny bead:  1.5" (4 cm)
Tassel:  5" (13 cm)
Weight:  5.4 oz (167 gm)

Photo: Melinda Holden

  Item #220                 Lost in Fire
Please click on the image for a detailed photo.
This piece was designed around the wonderful round sterling bead showing a bunny eating lettuce (you can see it better in the detailed photo.) A pink-eyed tagua bunny sits on the side. Karen Ovington's bead adds color which is quoted in the sponge coral and tiny jasper bits. Nicely carved bone suggests the garden fence and flowers.

To the ancient Chinese there was a hare in the moon, not a man in the moon. Curiously, baby rabbits are fully fledged (what DO you call it for a rabbit??) after 28 days, a curious lunar association. (Rabbit facts courtesy of Ted Andrews, Animal-Wise.)

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